Life After Life

I had a thought the other day, what if reincarnation is actually the different stages we go through in life? Not actually physically dying and being reborn, but rebirth as wisdom, knowledge, and internal growth.

Ever stage of life teaches us something. We grow from a newborn baby to an infant – toddler – child – teenager – adult. We learn something new about ourselves and the world we live in with each different stage.

With each transition we are “becoming” someone new. Each stage offers us lessons that we can learn and grow from, or we can choose to ignore the lesson and remain stagnant in life.

Many of our transitions are so subtle they can easily be missed or forgotten. Being self-aware affords us the ability to feel those subtle shifts, and appreciated them for what they are.

When I look at the changes my life has gone through, I can’t help but feel like I have lived so many lives.

Even in the past year, I have gone from living a life filled with regret and grief to being more present, and appreciating the moments given to me. It wasn’t because of anything drastic, but because of a few subtle shifts in my thought processes, bringing awareness to how I was living life.

I have had many teachers, and guides along the way. They have helped me shift and reach a point of renewal. Simple conversations can bring a world of change. I have a friend that can ask the most probing questions in such a compassionate way, that I don’t even realize my consciousness has shifted until a few days later, and I love her so much for that. Our relationship has taught me more than words can ever explain.

It is these friendships, the observation of others, and the moments to myself that have moved me from one life to the next. From a caterpillar to a butterfly. From a seed to a tree.

“Genius is experience. Some seem to think that it is a gift or talent, but it is the fruit of long experience in many lives.” James Joyce

©Copyright 2021 One With Love

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